Episode #52: Mike Matthews & Legion Athletics


Episode #52 of the Supplement Engineer Podcast features Mike Matthews, founder of Legion Athletics. We discuss the origins of Legion, what drives product creation, and how to avoid selling out for a big paycheck.

In this episode of the Supplement Engineer Podcast, I'm joined by Mike Matthews -- Founder of Legion Athletics and MuscleForLife.com

Mike has been a mainstay in the evidence-based health & fitness arena as both a coach and best-selling author.

Audio-Only Version

Show Notes

Topics covered during our conversation include:

  • The founding of Legion Athletics
  • Biggest challenges with running a supplement brand vs Muscle For Life
  • A upcoming "sister" brand to Legion Athletics
  • Vetting manufacturers when starting a brand
  • How Mike decides what type of product to release next
  • Legion's Upcoming immune-boosting supplement
  • Legion's soon-to-be-released naturally-sweetened energy drink
  • Struggles with flavoring products with natural sweeteners
  • Why did Legion choose to release a protein bar amidst increasing market competition
  • How to avoid "selling out" when the payout is so big
  • Maintaining (or not) a work/life balance
  • and MORE

Where to Find Mike & Legion Athletics

Mike Matthews IG: https://www.instagram.com/muscleforlifefitness/

Legion Athletics IG: https://www.instagram.com/legionath/?hl=en

Legion Athletics Website: https://legionathletics.com

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